About Bark Boys

50+ Years Serving the PNW

(503) 378-7379

Oregon’s Landscape
Supply Company

Bark Boys delivers landscape supplies across the West Coast. For more than 50 years we have pursued landscape solutions for homes, businesses, farms, schools and more.


Bark Boys delivery truck loading bark dust in Salem Oregon
Bark Boys Team is Salem Chamber's Business of the Year 2023

Community Involvement

Bark Boys is Salem Chamber’s business of the year 2023!

Looking for a rewarding career?

See our employment opportunities.


First loader purchased from Halton CAT - now Peterson CAT

First loader purchased from Halton CAT - now Peterson CAT

Bark Boys was founded in 1973 by Gene Rico, the president’s grandfather.

Bark Boys Salem shop location in 1987

In 1978 Bark Boys came to Salem from Albany, and then moved to our current location in 1987.

excavator dumping a load of gravel into truck at Bark Boys

Bark Boys is focused on professional service for customers and growth for years to come.

Mike, employee spotlight, washing truck at Bark Boys

Employee Spotlight


“One reason I have been here 28 years is that I’ve learned so much here. There is no end to the things you will learn and what you can do here… It had all the things I could want – trucks, tractors, dirt.”
